Recreational Boating in the National News on Fox, Axios

Related to concerns with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s proposed North Atlantic Right Whale Vessel Strike Reduction rule, NMMA, along with coalition partners, continues to tell our industry’s story among policy makers through media coverage, including two national placements that ran last week. The proposed rule would have devastating impacts on coastal economies and communities along the East Coast.

Last week, Fox News published a story detailing the impact the proposed rule expansion would have on the U.S. fishing industry and coastal fishing businesses. An excerpt from the article explains: “The Vessel Strike Reduction Rule is a new rule proposed by the Biden administration's Commerce Department in partnership with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) that would limit the speed of all motorboats over 35 feet from Florida to Massachusetts to 10 knots, or 11.5 miles per hour, for up to seven months of the year. The rule is marketed as a way to protect the endangered right whale, but fishing experts and anglers say the move would have far-reaching implications for their industry.”

Recreational boating and fishing community stakeholders interested in voicing their concerns with NOAA’s proposed rule expansion are encouraged to take action today on Boating United here.

Recreational boating’s significant economic impact was underscored in a story that ran on Friday on Axios. An excerpt from the article includes: "It's not the yacht-owning one-percenters responsible for America's booming boat economy. Rather, it's the vast numbers of regular folks fishing, water-skiing, sailing and jet-skiing, according to the National Marine Manufacturers Association."

Click here to read the Fox News article

Click here to read the Axios article