Manufacturing Day 2022 – Start Planning Now to Engage Local Officials & Recruit Next Gen Workforce

Manufacturing Day, happening October 7, 2022, is a can’t-miss workforce development opportunity for marine manufacturing. With events hosted around the country by a multitude of industries, this is the boating industry’s chance to shine a spotlight on recreational boating, its local and national economic significance, and job opportunities.

Manufacturing Day provides a seamless way to open your doors to everyone from students and job seekers, to teachers and community leaders. NMMA encourages every manufacturing member to get involved. To learn more and register to host an event, visit

While October 7 is the official 2022 Manufacturing Day, manufacturers are encouraged to plan events throughout October. All events should be registered on, regardless of the day they are scheduled, in order to take advantage of the variety of free event planning and execution resources provided.

Already planning to host an event? Notify NMMA to let us know your plans - Sarah Salvatori, [email protected] - so we can help spread the word. If you’d like assistance in planning your event and need help getting local elected officials involved, please reach out to Erica Crocker, [email protected].

Be a part of the social media conversation using #MFGDAY22 #CreatorsWanted.