NMMA Spearheads New Efforts to Combat Asian Carp

NMMA is redoubling their efforts in the fight against Asian carp infiltrating the Great Lakes – one of the aquatic invasive species (AIS) that the organization works to prevent from damaging native ecosystems.
Last week, NMMA held meetings with key Congressional offices and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) regarding the status of the Brandon Road Study, a report evaluating options to prevent the spread of AIS from the Mississippi River Basin into the Great Lakes Basin. David Slikkers, S2 Yachts Inc’s Director of Government Relations, also participated in the meetings. Both parties pressed for the study’s completion and urged Congress and USACE to move forward with plans to protect the Great Lakes from Asian carp.
In 2017, an Asian carp was found in the Little Calumet River just nine miles outside of Lake Michigan. If Asian carp were to infiltrate Lake Michigan, it would be detrimental to the boating industry and local economy. 
Additionally, NMMA recently joined the Great Lakes Partnership to Block Asian Carp – a diverse coalition created to prevent invasive carp from entering the Great Lakes. The partnership is united in its support of the USACE’s tentatively selected plan at Brandon Road Lock & Dam in Joliet, IL, which serves as the most effective proposal yet developed to prevent the spread of Asian carp into the Great Lakes.
NMMA remains committed to addressing this issue and will provide updates with the latest developments. For more information, please contact NMMA’s Director of Federal Government Affairs, Mike Pasko at [email protected], or NMMA’s Director of State Government Affairs, Libby Yranski at [email protected]