Five-Show Weekend Sees Attendance Surge Across all Shows

Continuing the momentum of the season, attendance was up across all five shows! Final numbers are as follows: final attendance in New York was 43,238 up 21% from 35,757 in 2016; final attendance in Baltimore was 13,817 up 9% from 12,664 in 2016; final attendance in St. Louis was 23,972 up 13% from 21,250 in 2016; final attendance in Louisville was 37,279 up 6% from 35,070 in 2016 and final attendance in Schaumburg was: 19,339 up 9% from 17,759 in 2016.  
In addition to the significant increase in attendance across all five show, reports of strong sales and quality crowds continued among exhibitors, a sentiment that has been echoed across all shows this season.

Up next: Progressive® Insurance New England Boat Show® (February 11-19, 2017)